protecting civil rights and
challenging discrimination

Protecting the right to marry, work, learn, reside, associate and be equal is fundamental to preventing discrimination and ensuring equal opportunity. SLC has tirelessly worked to protect civil rights, end discrimination, and eliminate prejudice and unjust barriers in housing, health care, employment, education, homeless shelters, and public services. We have sued under the Americans With Disabilities Act, the Rehabilitation Act, Title VII, Fair Housing Act, Section 1981, Section 1982, and the U.S. Constitution to challenge discrimination based on disability, national origin, race, mental health, HIV, and sexual orientation.

 Main Topics of Focus in Our Work

  • State and local governments perpetuate discrimination both by the lack of specific policies providing protection to LGBTQ+ individuals and to women as well as with policies focused on denying access to medical care and reproductive rights. SLC has revealed discriminatory practices and continues to be involved in efforts to support every individual’s right to fully participate and exist regardless of their gender, gender identity or sexual orientation.

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  • Since the beginning, SLC has championed the rights of people with disabilities. Shortly after it’s founding, SLC brought the first lawsuit under federal disability discrimination laws to challenge Florida’s application of zoning restrictions on group homes for persons with disabilities. Since then, SLC’s attorneys have continued to advocate for the rights of persons with physical and developmental disabilities to live in their community, and challenged discrimination aimed at individuals with mental illnesses and protecting the rights of workers faced with dismissal due to medical conditions.

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  • Historically, race discrimination by property owners and real estate agents helped create dramatic patterns of housing and neighborhood inequality. SLC has helped individuals and communities obtain relief from discriminatory practices in leasing, and neglect and poor maintenance of federally subsidized housing located in minority communities.

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  • Access to courts is a fundamental right that determines who can pursue enforcement of the law. SLC believes that everyone should have access to the courts regardless of their wealth, geography or status.

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  • Freedom of speech is the First Amendment because it is a core tenet of our democracy, and SLC is fiercely dedicated to holding government responsible when this freedom is threatened. Cases include defending commercial speech as well as the right to voice political opinions in a public forum and the right to assembly. See also Decriminalizing Poverty.

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  • The Constitution protects us from the overreach of our government by requiring it to provide due process of law before depriving a person of life, liberty, or property. SLC protects people from wrongful deprivations of their rights by ensuring fairness in government proceedings. And we hold the government accountable for unfairly denying people’s constitutionally protected liberties and property interests without providing the required notice and a meaningful opportunity to challenge those decisions.

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